working with women to achieve optimal health and wellbeing

our services

Adolescent healthcare.

The midwifery model of care emphasizes education and family-centered care throughout the lifespan, which makes midwives ideal care providers for adolescents. We promote healthy behaviors and facilitate the development of lifelong positive lifestyle choices with our adolescent clients. We provide developmentally appropriate care, respect the growing independence, privacy, and learning needs of the maturing individual.  

Annual Gynecological visit.

There are two types of annual gynecological visits available. The basic annual gynecological visit and the comprehensive annual gynecological visit.

The basic annual gynecological visit includes a personalized assessment of your gynecologic health, a head to toe exam, including a breast exam, pelvic exam, pap smear if indicated, and STI testing if desired.

The comprehensive annual gynecological visit includes everything in the basic annual plus an assessment of your overall health and wellness. During a comprehensive annual gynecological visit, we look at your nutrition, exercise regimen, stress levels, work-life balance, emotional well being, sexual health, and we do comprehensive blood work.  Once your blood work results are available, we meet again for a follow-up visit to review the results and make a plan to better your overall health.

Gynecological Problem Visit.

Gynecological health issues often arise for many individuals at various times of the year.  We are here to assess and help you manage your gynecological issues through the use of herbs, supplements, medications, and referrals to various treatment modalities, such as, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and physical therapy.

Women’s Health counseling.

So many clients love coming for their annual exams each year. The often say, “I feel like I got the best pelvic exam ever, a nutrition consult, and a therapy session all in one!” That’s because at most of our visits, overall health, including nutrition, exercise, stress, work-life balance, relationships, and everything that pertains to your health comes up in conversation. We believe that every aspect of your life makes up your overall health, so of course we talk about all of it! But that doesn’t just have to be a conversation you have once a year at your annual exam. If you desire to discuss your overall health, make some attainable goals, and need help achieving them, we are here to help with that too! We’re available on an as needed basis, but we very much recommend our 6-month “Midwife for Your Life” program if you want to make real, life-long changes that will greatly impact your whole life!

Cervical Cancer Screening.

Individuals age 21-65 should generally be screened for cervical cancer every 3-5 years.  We screen for cervical cancer by doing a Pap test in the office.  For a pap test, cervical cells are collected from your cervix, sent to a lab, and examined under a microscope, looking for changes to the cells that are abnormal or cancerous. The test itself is very simple and takes all of 5 minutes to complete.  Cervical cancer screening is offered at all annual exams.

Sexually transmitted infection screening.

Individuals of all ages often worry about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), such as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, HIV, and Syphilis.  As midwives, we are trained to assess for STIs and treat them as needed.  We offer herbal antimicrobial remedies as well as conventional medical treatments.  STI screening is offered at all annual exams.

Birth control.

Choosing which type of birth control is right for you is a very personal choice that depends on many different factors.  We are here to help guide you through this decision by providing education about the different types of birth control, as well as which would be best for you based on your lifestyle and your medical and family history.  We offer birth control consults to discuss all of your options, including natural family planning,  oral contraceptives, IUDs, condoms, diaphragms, and more. We also offer birth control initiation visits after you’ve considered all your options and done your research, and finally, birth control follow-up visits to  periodically assess how you are feeling on your current form of birth control. 

Breast exams and thermography.

Annual breast exams and self- breast exams are an important part of early detection of breast cancer. We offer a breast exam at your annual visit or at any time if you have concerns about a lump you have found yourself. We are excited to partner with Dr. Kristine Blanche to offer whole body and breast thermography. Thermography is a non-invasive tool used to detect thermal heat changes throughout your ENTIRE body. Where there is heat, there is inflammation. With a simple picture (without the use of radiation) a thermography scan has the ability to detect abnormalities years before other methods of screening. It is a great way to monitor breast health, adding a much needed piece to the early detection puzzle.

Hormone Balancing.

In today’s world, our busy, stressful lives often throw our hormones off balance.  Through an assessment of your overall health and wellness, including nutrition, exercise, stress, work, sexual health, and all the other psychosocial aspects of your life, we determine what shifts need to be made and what supplements and/or bioidentical hormones may help to balance your hormones.  Our goal is to help you achieve better sleep, decreased weight gain, less stress, improved sexual health, and more energy.  

Management of Menopausal symptoms.

As you reach your late forties or early fifties, the hormone levels in your body change, and you start the transition into menopause. You may find that your periods become irregular and unpredictable—sometimes heavier, sometimes lighter, coming less often or more often. This time of transition is called perimenopause. It can last for several years. When your periods have stopped completely for 1 year, you will have reached menopause. For most individuals, this occurs at about 51 years of age, but it may happen a few years earlier or later. Through nutrition, exercise, herbs, supplements and bioidentical hormones, we are here to help you manage the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, decreased libido, and vaginal dryness. 


Getting pregnant and figuring out your menstrual cycles can be tricky sometimes. We are here to help demystify your cycle and help you understand just what is going on in your body each month.  We would love to help you learn to monitor your fertility signs, chart your cycle, and achieve conception.  During fertility counseling visits, we also discuss nutrition and lifestyle choices for optimal fertility. 


The aim of preconception care is to work with our clients of reproductive age to improve their health before conception, thereby improving pregnancy related outcomes. During a preconception visit, we assess and together make a plan to improve one’s health and nutritional status, supplementation and exercise regimens, and emotional well being. 

Postpartum care.

Comprehensive and compassionate postpartum care is essential to helping a new mother and the whole family adjust to the many changes that occur after childbirth. We love helping new mothers and families navigate physical, emotional, relational, and psychosocial issues that may arise during the postpartum period.